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The Linlathen Retreat is a biennial event, rotating with the Linlathen Lecture Conferences.  

The goal of this retreat is to provide a space of rest and restoration, dialogue and community, amongst like-minded scholars, in the National Capital region. Inspired by the 19th century model of Erskine of Linlathen, this event is a low key ‘house-party’ for professional academics: a time for chatting, reading, walking, playing, ‘leisurely learning’ from one another – also for catching up, filling up, being with friends old & new. For each ‘retreat-year’ one special international guest will be flown in, with his or her current research interest serving as the general underlying theme for the weekend. This year’s speaker is a long-time admirer of Erskine’s retreat vision, and co-founder of the Institute for Theology, Imagination, and the Arts: Professor Trevor A. Hart of St Andrew’s University, Scotland. During the retreat Professor Hart will present and dialogue about some of his current research. Opportunity will be provided for those who desire to briefly present their own current work or research, however much of the conversation and discussion throughout the retreat will be undirected.


The doors will be generally open for arrival as of Wednesday, July 8th, with guests welcome to stay through Sunday afternoon. Arrivals invited on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Professor Hart’s main presentation will occur on Friday prior to 7p.m.  You are welcome to come for just the weekend.


For an introduction to Professor Hart’s work & thought, view this video of a 2013 lecture at Biola:

Linlathen Retreat 2015

with Trevor Hart

Linlathen Lecture 2015

‘Imagination, artistry, and the kingdom of God’


a public talk by

Trevor A. Hart


July 7th, 7:30 p.m.

Almonte, ON

What have the Arts and Imagination to do with Church or Faith?


Come, ponder and be challenged by Trevor Hart, founding director of the Institute of Theology, Imagination, & the Arts and former Head of School at the Divinity College at University of St Andrews, Scotland. ITIA was established to bring imagination and the arts into constructive conversation with Christian theology and to pursue a more rounded theological vision of what it is to be human in God’s world.


An international lecturer and author of numerous books on such topics, Professor Hart is also currently the rector of St Andrew’s Episcopal Church, and Honorary Professor at the University of St Andrews. His three-volume set dealing with aesthetics and the Christian faith begins with Making Good: Creation, Creativity, & Artistry (2014), and will soon be followed by Literature & Language; and Patterns of Performance: Art, Imagination, & Christian Hope.


Linlathen Lecture 2015

‘Imagination, artistry, and the kingdom of God’


a public talk by

Trevor A. Hart


July 7th, 7:30 p.m.

Almonte, ON

What have the Arts and Imagination to do with Church or Faith?


Come, ponder and be challenged by Trevor Hart, founding director of the Institute of Theology, Imagination, & the Arts and former Head of School at the Divinity College at University of St Andrews, Scotland. ITIA was established to bring imagination and the arts into constructive conversation with Christian theology and to pursue a more rounded theological vision of what it is to be human in God’s world.


An international lecturer and author of numerous books on such topics, Professor Hart is also currently the rector of St Andrew’s Episcopal Church, and Honorary Professor at the University of St Andrews. His three-volume set dealing with aesthetics and the Christian faith begins with Making Good: Creation, Creativity, & Artistry (2014), and will soon be followed by Literature & Language; and Patterns of Performance: Art, Imagination, & Christian Hope.


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